Ce Calendar Converter. Hijri date converter from/to gregorian (miladi) calendar. The following calendar converter is based on the tables of the babylonian calendar published in 1971 by parker and dubberstein and is valid from 626/25 bce, the.
Calculators used by this calculator. To convert a year b.c.
Use The Following Form To Convert Gregorian (Miladi) Calendar Date To/From Islamic Hijri Calendar Date.
The displayed date can be set manually to any other calendar date by.
Gregorian) Calendar (Ce) And In The Julian Calendar (Jc) Easy Date Converter Supports.
Last day of this month is 04.
Windows Software To Convert Between Julian And Gregorian Calendar Dates In Various Formats (Bce/Ce/Ad/Ce), And To Add And Subtract A Number Of Days, Weeks, Months And Years To Or From A Given Date.
Images References :
Calendar Converter For Near East Historians.
Gregorian date to hindu mean lunisolar calendar.
In The Julian Calendar, Julian Day 1948439.5, The Day Of Muhammad's Flight From Mecca To Medina, With Sunset On The.
Click the convert button to initiate the.
This Hijri Date Converter Tool Can Be Used To Convert Dates From Hijri To Gregorian Or From Gregorian To Hijri.